
Projects and Partnerships

Development of a Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Tracking Prototype

Description: We are seeking experienced blockchain developers to create a prototype of a supply chain tracking system. The project aims to optimize and automate supply chain tracking processes using blockchain technology.


  • Designing the architecture of the blockchain-based tracking system
  • Developing smart contracts for supply chain tracking, confirmation, and payment
  • Creating an interface for interacting with smart contracts
  • Testing and optimizing system performance
  • Integrating with existing inventory and logistics systems


  • Experience in blockchain development (preferably Ethereum or Hyperledger)
  • Proficiency in smart contracts and programming languages like Solidity or similar
  • Hands-on experience with distributed ledger technology and smart contract integration
  • Understanding of decentralization and security concepts in blockchain
  • Ability to develop and integrate smart contracts with existing systems

Timeline: The prototype should be developed and presented for evaluation within 2-3 months.

Expected Outcome: A functional prototype demonstrating efficient supply chain tracking and automation using blockchain technology.

If you possess the required skills and experience and are ready to participate in this exciting project, please reach out to us with a brief description of your expertise and portfolio.